Personal Leadership

In this post we look at the concept of ‘following your bliss’: listening to your heart, your truth and trusting the deep impulse within you to live a life that truly makes you feel alive.

In this post, Tracy May explores one of the most pressing questions that needs to be answered in the COVID-19 era: ‘’What is the task of leadership?’’

If the first week of lockdown has been a bit of a struggle, this post is for you: it discusses what you could have been experiencing — and what could make the next few weeks a bit better.

How journaling and reflective writing can be strong tools for strengthening and cultivating emotional intelligence capabilities.

Asking a question when we don’t really mean to inquire is common mismatch between what we are trying to communicate and what we actually say. In this post, Liz Palmer takes a look at how to be clearer and avoid the danger of being misunderstood.

In this post, Liz Palmer discusses how changing our ‘voice’ brings the flexibility to vary our contribution — and achieve improved outcomes.

This time of year and the season of winter symbolically provide us with an opportunity to take an important pause, a time for personal contemplation and reflection, a chance to go within and dwell in some silent introspection. In this post we share a useful guided exercise with you to help you reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go.