Coach supervision for organisations

“Supervision is a place where a living profession breathes and learns……supervision can be a very important part of taking care of oneself, staying open to new learning.”

— Hawkins and Shohet

Supervision is the confidential space that enables coaches to explore, discuss and challenge their coaching approaches and ethical dilemmas. Supervision is a key requirement of an internal coach operating under a coaching professional body such as the EMCC Global. 

As an internal coach, there are often dilemmas relating to being in the system, creating and holding boundaries and managing coaching across hierarchies; dilemmas that external coaches do not face.  Supervision is the support that internal coaches need to explore such dilemmas in a professional, safe environment.

As part of our accredited training programmes, we provide group supervision, and we encourage organisations to continue to offer supervision to their internal coaches once their formal training ends. This is how organisations can ensure their internal coaches are fit for purpose and learn from the experience of their coaches through the collation of anonymized development themes.

There are four ways an organisation can engage in supervision with us for its internal coaches:

  • Organisation Group Supervision – where the coaches are all from within your organisation.
  • Executive Coaching Pool supervision – where the coaches are external to your organisation and coach within your organization   
  • Open Group Supervision – where the coaches come from different organisational backgrounds, or are independent coaches
  • 1 to 1 Supervision

For more information on our open group supervision and 1 to 1 Supervision, just contact us today.

“Damion creates a climate of openness and trust with ease and really meets a client where they are, helping them to build without ever stepping in or on. He holds a safe and bright supervision space in which others are able to really look at themselves and their practice. He does this by being incredibly present, calm, curious, non-judgemental and expansive. He has a wonderful ability to connect with a person and what they are feeling.”

— Internal coach, professional services

“Liz played an invaluable role as my coach supervisor during my Catalyst 14 development. She created an open and judgement-free space for my peers and I to share and reflect which exposed us all to lots of diversity of thought and methodology. Liz also role modelled best practice coaching by asking us thought provoking questions that highlighted further opportunities for growth and practice. As a result, I felt my learning deepen and had a number of ‘lightbulb moments’ during our sessions.”

— Programme participant

More information / get in touch

For more information about coach supervision or to request a consultation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today.

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