Coaching Leader Support – leading and managing an internal coaching provision
Leading and managing coaching programmes within any organisation can be a multi-faceted role. The activities you are involved in can include stakeholder management, budget control, quality control, programme management, selection, training, evaluation and upholding standards and processes — to name but a few responsibilities.
In our experience those leading the coaching provision in an organisation are passionate about coaching and often it’s their energy and enthusiasm that will enable coaching to play its part in the development of the organisation.
With this you may encounter the challenge of being a lone voice, needing to ‘sell’ the benefits and manage the ROI question — often within a culture where coaching may not understood as a development intervention or a management style (or conversely, it is seen as a silver bullet).
At Catalyst 14 we have designed a suite of support approaches for coaching leaders, recognising the unique challenges their roles bring:
- Coach leader coach/mentor
- Internal Coach Leader Peer Network
- Internal coaching consultancy
- External coach assessment / selection
Read on to find out more about these.
Coaching Leader Coach / Mentor
We offer a range of 1 to1 coaching and mentoring programmes for the coach leader.
We find coach leaders often are not in coaching relationships themselves and have little space to think through how they thrive in their role as Coach Leader.
Our Coach / Mentors have experience leading or contributing to internal coaching within organisations and will work alongside you to support you with your aims.
Our programmes are typically 6 x 1.5-hour sessions that take place over a 12-month period.
Feel free to contact us if you have any queries about our one-to-one coaching opportunities.

Internal Coach Leader Peer Network
We run a network for internal coaching leaders, involving leaders of coaching across a wide variety of industries and organisational size. We know through our own experience of networks the benefit of being able to meet with those in similar roles to brainstorm, share ideas, challenges and have a community who ‘gets’ what you are trying to achieve.
Our Coaching Leader Network is open to anyone who has a role within an organisation responsible for coaching and who wants to engage and interact with others in this field.
At Catalyst 14 we are the convener of the network, and we know the richness of the network conversations come from the members themselves. The network is co-created and member interest led. We also have a closed LinkedIn group to facilitate discussions about internal coaching within the peer group between the events.
Our next planned meetings for 2024 are:
20 Feb 2024 (11:30am -1pm)
12 June 2024 (3:30 – 5pm)
16 October 2024 (9 -11:30am)

If you are interested in exploring joining our Coaching Leader Network please do get in touch by clicking the button below.
Internal Coaching Consultancy
We can support you as you build and implement your strategy for Internal Coaching within your organisation. Depending on your needs we can support through:
- Development of your internal coaching strategy
- Design of your internal coaching programmes (why, what and for whom)
- Design of your coaching processes (coachee selection, matching, boundaries, coachee education, coachee manager education, evaluation)
- Supporting stakeholder management conversations.
We can meet you where you are in your thinking and work in partnership with you as you evolve your internal coaching provision. Do contact us if you would like to have a conversation about your internal coaching practice or ambition.

External Coach Assessment / Selection
Establishing a strong external coaching panel, suited to your organisational needs is often the role of the coaching leader. You may have inherited a coaching panel and you are wondering if its is fit for purpose now?, you may be looking to establish a panel from scratch, or you may be wanting to establish a process and standards for any new coaches coming onto your existing panel.
We can support through:
- Developing clear criteria for external coaches for your organisation
- Designing and running assessment and selection processes for your existing external coaches / new coaches for your panel
- Working with you to develop strategies for tackling any unhelpful existing coaching practices or arrangements within your organisation
As with all our support, we work in partnership with you and if you would like to explore your thinking about your external coaching panel please contact us. We will be happy to explore with you where you are at and what you are looking to achieve.

Get in touch
If you have any queries at all about how we can help with your internal coaching provision, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.