Diploma in Transformational Coaching (EMCC Practitioner Level Qualification, London)
“This is the moment when what we need most is enough people with the skill, heart and wisdom to help us pull ourselves back from the edge of breakdown and onto a different path.”
— C .Otto. Scharmer
A course for people who are passionate about becoming a professional leadership coach
This EMCC-accredited Diploma in Coaching is our flagship programme, and is aimed at people who are passionate about developing and supporting others, and wish to develop as a professional coach (internally or externally).
Participants receive the EMCC Practitioner Level Qualification upon completing the course.
Course benefits
We currently have a 90% submission rate and 100% pass rate for Diploma portfolios.
By completing this 12-month programme you will:
- develop deep levels of self-awareness, presence and resourcefulness as a coach
- understand and take responsibility for your own ethical and professional practice as a coach, via participation in regular coaching supervision and CPD
- learn how to build, manage and end an effective coaching contract and relationship with a coachee and client organisation
- learn how to manage expectations and the boundaries of coaching
- develop a range of coaching approaches to meet the needs of individual clients and maximise impact and change
- learn about key transformational coaching skills and psychological models, and be able to use these in a coaching relationship to improve learning, outcomes and behavioural change
- develop the capacity to work face-to-face and virtually as a 1-2-1 coach
- build a coaching toolkit to enable you to meet critical coaching needs within organisations
- learn how to apply a wide variety of psychological concepts and tools, which generate personal insights in clients and enable personal change
- develop against the EMCC Practitioner Level coach competencies and be assessed against these
- become accredited in a Leadership 360 degree feedback tool
- build confidence and appreciation of your own coaching style through repeated practice and feedback from our Faculty and fellow participants
- identify your own coaching framework, approach and style
- become accredited at Foundation or Practioner Level European Individual Award (EIA) with EMCC Global.

“I started the transformational diploma at Catalyst 14 a broken husk spat out of a 25-year-old career looking for a new direction. I am nearing the end of the course with new confidence, a breadth, depth and sophistication of skills beyond my wildest expectations and a burning desire to not only coach but also work with businesses to help them with restructuring. Damion and the team are intuitive, wildly knowledgeable, always human and exude a warmth and good humour that enhance their ambition, rigour and utter dedication to the profession they serve.”
— Diploma in Transformational Coaching Participant
Course content
Our Diploma in Transformational Coaching programme includes:
- Pre-programme 1-2-1 session with your Personal Tutor
In order to prepare you for the programme, clarify any concerns and to enable you to set personal objectives, you will take part in a pre-course virtual 1-2-1 briefing session. This provides an effective way to introduce you to the requirements of the programme, and to assess your prior experience for accreditation purposes.
- Emotional Intelligence self-assessment
As part of the pre-programme 1-2-1 call, you will also receive an emotional intelligence self assessment (EQi) that you will complete as part of your preparatory work. We believe Emotional Intelligence is an important capacity underpinning coach training.
- 10 Experiential Modules:
– Introduction to Fundamentals of Transformational Coaching – 2 days, London
– Creating the Conditions for Change – half-day, online
– Coaching and Challenge – half-day, online
– Coaching and Change – 2 days, London
– Coaching Resilience and Wellbeing – half-day, online
– Coaching Career and Transition – half-day, online
– Coaching Confidence – half-day, online
– Coaching and Mindfulness – 4 x 1 hour online sessions
– Embodied Coaching – 2 days, London
– Transformational Coach Integration Day – 1 day, London
- Accreditation in a Leadership 360 Feedback tool
- Workplace coaching practice
Throughout the programme, you will be expected to identify and formally coach a number of clients outside of the workshops. For this level of accreditation you will complete 50 hours of coaching practice.
- Undertaking 1-2-1 Coaching
We believe that to be a good coach you need to have experienced the development journey of being a coachee. It is for this reason we will ask you to be coached and you will receive six 1-hour coaching sessions whilst on the programme.
- Opportunities for finding coachees
Each year we arrange a number of probono coaching schemes with different organisations looking for coaches. Examples currently include Fareshare, Barnardos, Right to Dream, Charles Russell Speechlys and ReedSmith.
- Online resources and community
You will have access to our Catalyst 14 Community Learning Hub, our virtual learning and networking space where you can access numerous articles related to your coaching modules, watch videos, webinars and chat with your cohort colleagues and connect with the wider Catalyst 14 community.
- Faculty feedback
You will be observed on each of the modules and receive written faculty feedback against the 8 competence areas at Practitioner level. You will also have the opportunity to be video’d whilst coaching on the modules.
- Practical coaching assessment
On the final module you will be assessed by a member of our faculty against the eight competence areas at Practitioner Level. This assessment is to give you confidence in your future work as a coach.
- Formal coaching supervision sessions
All participants receive 4 x 2 hour virtual Group Supervision sessions with one of our accredited coach supervisors throughout the programme.
- Post-programme session
A post-programme session takes place after the completion of the final module (Transformational Coach Integration Day). This enables you to reflect on your learning over the course of the programme. It will also provide you with guidance on the creation and completion of your assessed portfolio of learning, including the assignments.
- Portfolio of learning
A portfolio of learning is a requirement of this programme and provides evidence of your learning and development against the EMCC Competence framework at Practitioner level. It also includes evidence of your development journey, experience and learning from your coaching practice, as well as written assignments.
Our modules cover specific coaching topics in a variety of learning styles, introduce key concepts and provide a forum for discussing best practice and the critical conversations that need to take place for you to learn, perform and enjoy being a coach. They also seek to teach you the skills, techniques, and models of transformational coaching to develop your ability to work in increasingly challenging situations. Each workshop combines elements of theory, demonstration and role modelling, practice and discussion about the practical implications of using the new skills and the application in a working context.
Below you’ll find a full list of all the modules on this programme – just click on a module title to view more details.
Longer modules involve face-to-face training, in Central London; others are online. Online modules are live group learning sessions conducted by a member of our faculty.
Module 1: Introduction to the Fundamentals of Coaching
This module will initially introduce you to the background and the key fields which have influenced the growth and practice of coaching today. You will learn the fundamental pillars of great coaching conversations and how to effectively structure and facilitate a conversation with a coachee. You will develop critical coaching skills such as generative listening and insightful questioning.
Building on the foundational elements of day one we will cover key areas such as coaching styles, boundaries and how to develop an effective coaching relationship with your clients. We will also explore the importance of contracting during the coaching relationship. Finally, you will discuss the reflective practice and accreditation requirements for your programme.
By completing this module, you will:
- develop core coaching knowledge, skills and behaviours
- learn how to facilitate a conversation using behavioural coaching models
- apply a range of coaching styles in a conversation to maximise performance and impact
- learn key skills such as embodied listening and insightful questioning
- explore how to prepare yourself and clients for a 1-2-1 coaching programme
- apply insights from neuropsychology to the coaching relationship
- learn how to develop an effective coaching relationship and a 1-2-1 coaching programme
- develop an understanding of the importance of contracting throughout the coaching relationship
- understand the boundaries of a coaching relationship and how to manage these
- explore the importance of supervision within coaching
- learn to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to identify areas for personal development in coaching and plan for new learning
Module 2: Creating the Conditions for Change
During this half-day module, you will explore the importance of the coaching relationship as the catalyst for transformational change. We will deepen your key relational skills in holding the coaching client and building Trust. We will raise awareness of your attitudes, assumptions and potential blindspots in working with a diverse range of coachees. We will review two key concepts from Humanistic Psychology and apply these to our coaching relationships. We will focus on the importance of emotions and further deepen our capacity to work effectively with these. We also explore the use of 360 degree feedback within coaching programmes, and you will be accredited to use our Leadership 360 Feedback tool.
By completing this module, you will:
- explore the importance of the coaching relationship as the container for change
- understand how we create Trust between us (with the coachee and with the coaching process)
- develop understanding of our attitudes towards Coaching Equality and Difference – identifying current blind spots in practice
- build our relational skills to hold the coaching client
- learn core models from Humanistic Psychology and apply these to the coaching relationship
- deepen your capability to work with emotion in a coaching session
- explore the use of 360 Feedback tools within leadership coaching and learn how to utilise these instruments effectively and pragmatically within a 1-2-1 coaching programme
- Become accredited in the ‘Insightful Leader’ 360 Feedback tool
Module 3: Coaching and Challenge
This half-day module will help you work with resistance to behavioural change and support clients in sustaining learning and action between coaching sessions. We also explore the concept of challenge within a coaching conversation and practise interventions to increase the level of development stretch experienced by the coachee. We also deepen your understanding and capacity of working with emotions within coaching to enable change, insight and outcomes.
By completing this half-day module, you will:
- explore a number of different concepts and tools, which generate personal insights in others and enable personal change
- understand potential resistance to behavioural change and brain-based approaches to work with this
- explore the use of challenge to create greater insight and development stretch
- practise interventions to increase the level of development stretch experienced by the coachee
- learn practical tools to enable the coachee to sustain their development outside of the coaching session
Module 4: Coaching for Change
The focus of this 2-day module initially shifts to creating a deeper self-awareness of who you are becoming, and how you are developing as a practitioner in identifying preferences and opportunities for potential and growth.
We will then develop your capability to coach at a deeper level by working with your coachee’s values and beliefs and use models for behavioural, personal and organisational change.
We also develop your capacity to use creative techniques for generating new awareness, insight and options. Finally, we expand your repertoire of coaching approaches by integrating appreciative and solution-focused models.
Over the course of this 2-day module, you will:
- explore the concept of the ‘inner game’
- learn how to support clients in creating a deep awareness of values, beliefs and identity to enable them to navigate change
- learn about the key tools to use with clients that are experiencing personal or organisational change
- learn solution-focused and appreciative coaching approaches
- develop a repertoire of tools and techniques for working with coachees at deeper levels to unlock barriers and help them reach their potential
- learn how to work creatively with resistance to change during a coaching programme
- continue to learn how to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to identify areas for personal development in coaching, and plan for new learning
Module 5: Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing
During this half-day module, you will learn how to work with clients who are experiencing challenges with workload stress and pressure. You will also explore techniques from the field of positive psychology to enable your coaching clients to thrive and flourish within their work and lives.
This module explores:
- key concepts and approaches from Positive Psychology and how these can be used to support clients to become more resilient and to enhance their wellbeing
- the neuropsychology of stress and how to enable clients to work well under pressure
- how to build a coaching toolkit / 1-2-1 coaching programme for developing resilience and wellbeing
- how to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to identify areas for personal development in coaching, and plan for new learning
Module 6: Coaching Career and Transition
This half-day module develops your capacity to work with clients who are exploring current and future career options. You will learn specific career coaching techniques and approaches to enable you to develop career coaching 1-2-1 programmes. We will also develop your capability as a coach to support leaders undergoing role and career transitions.
This module explores:
- core career coaching techniques and tools
- key challenges leaders face when in transition
- coaching interventions when working with clients in transition
- how to develop a coaching toolkit / 1-2-1 coaching programme for supporting career and transition
- how to learn to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to identify areas for personal development in coaching, and plan for new learning
Module 7: Coaching Confidence
This half-day module explores the concept of imposter syndrome and equips you to work with clients’ inner critic. You will also explore specific techniques to develop your clients’ self-regard and confidence.
In this module we explore:
- how to work with presenting character traits such as ‘imposter syndrome’
- core coaching interventions for helping clients develop confidence
- developing a coaching toolkit / 1-2-1 coaching programme for supporting confidence work
- learning how to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to identify areas for personal development in coaching, and plan for new learning
Module 8: Coaching and Mindfulness
This module comprises 4 x 1 hour sessions over a 4 week period, and aims to deepen your presence and way of being as a coach.
You will learn critical practises to manage your own energy and self-care. You will explore your own thinking patterns and learn processes for dis-identification to maximise your performance when coaching. Finally, you will enhance your capacity to use ‘self as instrument’ within coaching sessions.
In this module we explore:
- developing presence and impact as a coach
- how to build the capacity to recognise ‘autopilot’ and the ‘doing’ mode of coaching
- how to shift into a being and present state as a coach
- becoming more aware of one’s own energy and how to ‘shift’ this before, during and after a session
- shifting from a thinking and conceptual way of interacting to a sensing and embodied way of listening
- developing ‘self as instrument’ through embodied practices
- practices to support presence during a coaching session, especially when impacted by the presenting material or client
- developing the capacity to work with one’s own thoughts and managing this interference in the ability to be present
- key practices for self-care and resilience as a coach
Module 9: Embodied Coaching
During this 2-day module you will deepen your self awareness of reactive patterns when coaching, especially during moments of pressure in the coaching session. We work with centering techniques to regulate your capacity to effectively respond and maximise impact.
We will further enhance your capacity for embodied listening and working with ‘self as instrument’ to deepen your coachee’s insight and action. We also explore resourcing techniques to use with coaching clients.
We will develop your ‘psychological mindedness’ working with the unconscious relational dynamics present within conversations, learning how to recognise these and managing your own state.
Finally, you will learn and apply a presence based coaching model.
In this module we explore:
- a presence-based coaching approach to enhance client’s learning and development
- developing a level of presence that invites their coachee into a calm, clear and resourceful state where they can fully benefit from their coaching
- how to return to a centred, resourceful state when under pressure
- recognising our own “signature stress response” and discovering how this impacts us in our coaching work
- developing a greater capacity of centred listening
- cultivating the capacity to be courageous by offering challenge in an authentic and respectful way
- how to recognise the unconscious relational dynamics within coaching and understanding how to skilfully manage these
- how to develop a capacity to engage in difficult interactions and conversations with greater calm, clarity and inclusivity
- recognising the role of coach as an instrument for change
- supporting clients in developing their own presence and resourcefulness
- continuing to learn to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to identify areas for personal development in coaching, and plan for new learning
Module 10: Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day
Our final module acknowledges and celebrates the development journey you have undertaken so far as a coach whilst on this programme. The morning of the workshop focuses on the practical assessment of your coaching. In the afternoon we will explore key topics such as coaching ethics and endings as well starting your reflection and awareness of your identity as a coach.Finally, we will bring attention to the ending and close of our learning group.
By the end of this module, you will:
- be assessed on your current level of coaching capability against the EMCC Practitioner competencies
- learn how to effectively end a coaching relationship
- explore the importance of ethical practice and decision making as a coach
- have integrated your development journey whilst undertaking this programme
- explore your identity and purpose as a coach at the end of this programme
- fully understand how to prepare for the next steps in terms of EIA Senior Practitioner Certification.
- celebrate and end well with your peers and learning group
On successful completion of this programme, you will receive a Diploma in Transformational Coaching from us.
Our programmes are accredited by the EMCC European Quality Award (EQA). This is the benchmark quality standard for mentoring/coaching training programmes – it ensures that successful students meet the research-based competence standards presented in the EMCC Competency Framework at the Practitioner level.
Our programme will also enable you to obtain the European Individual Award (EIA) with the European Mentoring Coaching Council (EMCC). This will either be at the Foundation or Practitioner Level dependent on your prior experience in coaching. This will be discussed with you by one of our team when you apply for the programme. We are one of the first coach training providers in the UK to offer this accreditation.
The benefits of an EIA award
Having an EIA award distinguishes individuals as a professional mentor/coach, with sound underpinning knowledge and the ability to demonstrate ability against demanding and rigorous standards.
Specifically it:
- provides users/buyers of mentoring and coaching services greater certainty of one’s competence and ability
- raises personal credibility and professional standing
- demonstrates the awarded individual is continually developing and always improving his/her mentoring/coaching ability
- raises the credibility and standards of our profession
- is more than a qualification – it recognises that EIA Holders are able to apply good practice in mentoring/coaching
- provides a framework for personal development.
You will also be registered on the EMCC’s website as a professionally accredited coach.
Dates, venue and fees
Course dates
- Module 1: Introduction to the Fundamentals – 12 & 13 March 2024 (London, 2 days)
- Module 2: Coaching Emotional Intelligence – 22 April 2024 (half day, online)
- Module 3: Coaching and Challenge – 10 June 2024 (half day, online)
- Module 4: Coaching for Change – 16 & 17 July 2024 (London, 2 days)
- Module 5: Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing – 2 September 2024 (half day, online)
- Module 6: Coaching Career and Transition – 14 October 2024 (half day, online)
- Module 7: Coaching confidence – 25 November 2024 (half day, online)
- Module 8: Coaching and Mindfulness – 4 x 1 hour virtual sessions commencing on 6,13,20,27 January 2025
- Module 9: Embodied Coaching – 25 & 26 February 2025(London, 2 days)
- Module 10: Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day – 3 April 2025(London, 1 day)
- Module 1 – Introduction to the Fundamentals – 8 & 9 October 2024 (London, 2 days)
- Module 2 – Creating the Conditions for Change – 25 November 2024 (half day, online)
- Module 3 – Coaching and Challenge – 10 January 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 4 – Coaching for Change – 27 & 28 February 2025 (London, 2 days)
- Module 5 – Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing – 7 April 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 6 – Coaching Career and Transition – 19 May 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 7 – Coaching Confidence – 7 July 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 8 – Coaching and Mindfulness – 4 x 1 hour virtual sessions commencing 8 September 2025
- Module 9 – Embodied Coaching – 5 & 6 November 2025 (London, 2 days)
- Module 10 – Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day – 16 December 2025 (London, 1 day)
- Module 1 – Introduction to the Fundamentals – 11 & 12 March 2025 (London, 2 days)
- Module 2 – Creating the Conditions for Change – 28 April 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 3 – Coaching and Challenge – 2 June 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 4 – Coaching for Change – 9 & 10 July 2025 (London, 2 days)
- Module 5 – Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing – 5 September 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 6 – Coaching Career and Transition – 13 October 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 7 – Coaching Confidence – 24 November 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 8 – Coaching and Mindfulness – 4 x 1 hour virtual sessions commencing 5 January 2026
- Module 9 – Embodied Coaching – 3 & 4 March 2026 (London, 2 days)
- Module 10 – Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day – 7 May 2026 (London, 1 day)
October 2025 cohort
- Module 1: Introduction to the Fundamentals – 1 & 2 October 2025 (London, 2 days)
- Module 2: Creating the Conditions for Change – 10 November 2025 (half day, online)
- Module 3: Coaching and Challenge – 6 January 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 4: Coaching for Change – 24 & 25 February 2026 (London, 2 days)
- Module 5: Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing – 20 April 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 6: Coaching Career and Transition – 1 June 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 7: Coaching confidence – 13 July 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 8: Coaching and Mindfulness – 4 x 1 hour virtual sessions commencing 7 September 2026
- Module 9: Embodied Coaching – 3 & 4 November 2026 (London, 2 days)
- Module 10: Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day –15 December 2026 (London, 1 day)
January 2026 cohort
- Module 1: Introduction to the Fundamentals – 21 & 22 January 2026 (London, 2 days)
- Module 2: Creating the Conditions for Change – 2 March 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 3: Coaching and Challenge – 20 April 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 4: Coaching for Change – 3 & 4 June 2026 (London, 2 days)
- Module 5: Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing – 13 July 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 6: Coaching Career and Transition – 7 September 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 7: Coaching confidence – 12 October 2026 (half day, online)
- Module 8: Coaching and Mindfulness – 4 x 1 hour virtual sessions commencing 9 November 2026
- Module 9: Embodied Coaching – 20 & 21 January 2027 (London, 2 days)
- Module 10: Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day – 9 March 2027 (London, 1 day)
June 2026 cohort
- Module 1 – Introduction to the Fundamentals 10 & 11 June 2026 (09.00-17.00, London)
- Module 2 – Creating the Conditions for Change 17 July 2026 (09.00-12.30, online)
- Module 3 – Coaching and Challenge 11 September 2026 (13.30 – 17.00, online)
- Module 4 – Coaching for Change 5 & 6 November 2026 (09.00-17.00, London)
- Module 5 – Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing 14 December 2026 (13.30 – 17.00, online)
- Module 6 – Coaching Career and Transition 25 January 2027 (09.00-12.30, online)
- Module 7 – Coaching Confidence 8 March 2027 (13.30 – 17.00, online)
- Module 8 – Coaching and Mindfulness 5,12,19,26 April 2027 (15.00-16.00, online)
- Module 9 – Embodied Coaching 8 & 9 June 2027 (09.00-17.00, London)
- Module 10 – Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day 7 September 2027 (09.00-17.00, London)
October 2026 cohort
- Module 1 – Introduction to the Fundamentals 7 & 8 October 2026 (09.00-17.00, London)
- Module 2 – Creating the Conditions for Change 23 November 2026 (09.00-12.30, online)
- Module 3 – Coaching and Challenge 8 January 2027 (09.00 – 12.30, online)
- Module 4 – Coaching for Change 23 & 24 February 2027 (09.00-17.00, London)
- Module 5 – Coaching for Resilience and Wellbeing 9 April 2027 (13.30 – 17.00, online)
- Module 6 – Coaching Career and Transition 17 May 2027 (13.30-17.00, online)
- Module 7 – Coaching Confidence 5 July 2027 (09.00 – 12.30, online)
- Module 8 – Coaching and Mindfulness 6, 13, 20, 27 September 2027 (15.00-16.00, online)
- Module 9 – Embodied Coaching 9 & 10 November 2027 (09.00-17.00, London)
- Module 10 – Endings and New Beginnings: Transformational Coach Integration Day 11 January 2028 (09.00-17.00, London)
The course is a blended programme which mixes both face-to-face training and online sessions. Face-to-face training takes place at Coram, based just 10 minutes’ walk from King’s Cross, the venue offers bright and spacious training rooms and outdoor space in which we can work. By basing our programmes here, we are also supporting the work that Coram are doing to improve the lives of children across the UK. Based on feedback from our courses, we have found that participants greatly value being able to chat informally with cohort colleagues and faculty during breaks, which is why we always include lunch and refreshments on our face to face workshops at no extra charge. Online modules are live group learning sessions conducted by a member of our faculty.
The fee for this programme is £5,750 + VAT.
Payment can be made in full or in interest-free instalments. Please get in touch for more details. A place on the course is secured with a deposit of £750 + VAT.
Peace of mind guarantee: If you change your mind within 14 days of enrolling you will get a full refund.
Please familiarise yourself with the course terms and conditions, including payment and refund policies, before applying – and if you have any queries at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
This price includes all EMCC accreditation costs (EQA and EIA).
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“The most significant aspect is the quality of the facilitators. They are exceptional. The quality of delivery and feedback from them was of an incredibly high standard. ”
— Course participant
“The faculty is brilliant, and the course engaging and easy to follow. The live demonstrations between them were a mini master class and extremely helpful. Overall a terrific and exciting experience. I feel I am very much in “the right place” in terms of the professional learning; huge respect for the faculty and feel privileged to have been learning there.”
— Course participant
“The faculty is fabulous – so knowledgeable and such masters in their fields. It was like an art watching them doing the practical sessions for us to observe. They were also incredibly approachable – so forthcoming and helpful with advice and support. I am so delighted I booked onto the Catalyst 14 programme.”
— Course participant
“We learnt so many brilliant tools and from the experiential learning side, we were able to experience first hand the power and impact. It is always fascinating watching the demonstrations of the techniques – giving us an excellent understanding and appreciation of what we are working towards.”
— Course participant
“I was surprised how straightforward it was to do the work online, and the breakout rooms allowed for reflection time and genuine growth in working partnerships with others on the course and skill development.”
— Course participant
“A really excellent experience. The programme provided me with all of the support that I needed to embark on this learning journey. The programme challenged me appropriately, constantly moving me outside my comfort zone but not too much that it was overwhelming.”
— Course participant
“The team at Catalyst14 are wonderful to work with. From how content is delivered through to administration and logistics of managing Zoom calls and supervision sessions. The team clearly care deeply about their work.”
— Course participant
See also
You may also be interested in our EMCC Senior Practitioner Level programme (Advanced Diploma in Transformational Coaching).