Reconnect, Deepen and Practise Sessions

 “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but habit.”


Working as a coach can be a lonely experience, and once you have completed your qualification, it can be difficult to get ongoing, high-quality feedback on your practice with which to hone and extend your skills as a coach and meet with a strong peer group.

Our ‘Reconnect, Deepen and Practise’ sessions aim to meet these needs. They have been developed based on our recent experiences of bringing several groups of our alumni back together to enable them to undertake some CPD, connect, develop and practise in a safe and non-judgemental environment.

The sessions will also provide you with opportunities to stretch and develop new skills and approaches and to work with other experienced coaches. 

During this intimate day, in a group of 12 coaches with 2 of our faculty team, we will:

  • support you in setting a clear intention for developing your practice further
  • help you develop further against the EMCC Global Competency Framework
  • introduce a new tool or way of working to extend your toolkit as a coach (this will be tailored to the needs of the group)
  • provide two opportunities during the day to work as coach, coachee and observer with all the learning benefits of experiencing coaching from each perspective
  • offer an opportunity for you to record your coaching sessions to support the debrief and deepen the feedback and your learning 
  • provide you with observations from our faculty (they will provide you with feedback on your coaching practice and approach)
  • offer you an opportunity to network with other coaches and share learning and experience.


Held at our Central London venue. The cost of the day is £395 + VAT. This includes lunch and refreshments.

  • 1 May 2024
  • 8 May 2025

If you’re interested in participating, just fill in our simple online application form. Please note that demand for our CPD events is typically high, so early booking is recommended.