training for Coaches
“Our work, our relationships, and our lives succeed or fail one conversation at a time. While no single conversation is guaranteed to transform a company, a relationship, or a life, any single conversation can. Speak and listen as if this is the most important conversation you will ever have with this person. It could be. Participate as if it matters. It does.”
— Susan Scott
Achieving productive and impactful conversations
Talk is the primary way in which people and organisations make things happen. And yet we rarely pay any attention to the way in which we use our voice and the impact we have. We are more successful when we do.
When it comes to communicating and interacting with others – what is your reputation? How well do you listen and explore others’ opinions and positions? How clear are you when you express your own? How well do you get things done and make things happen through others?
VoicePrint enables individuals to visualise and understand the way they talk, how they are heard by others and the impact they have. It shines a light on the habitual patterns you have and the strengths and limitations of those patterns. Most valuable of all, it enables rapid, practical improvement in your communication and interaction and ultimately in what you can achieve with others.
VoicePrint is a tool that is interwoven into the programmes we deliver for coaches and facilitators. We believe it provides them with insight into their personal style in conversation, whether one-to-one or in a group, and the shifts they need to make to have more impact.
We also deliver one-to-one accreditation in the tool for coaches, facilitators and consultants who are interested in using this model with their clients.

VoicePrint as a tool for coaching
Our experience with VoicePrint has demonstrated its value in helping leaders to sharpen the effectiveness and impact of their communication and interaction with others. As this is such a fundamental part of enabling others to work at their best, we find it provides a helpful focus for our coaching clients. It provides them with both insight and pragmatic ways in which they can change their behaviour to have a greater impact.
The VoicePrint self-perception profile takes 20 minutes to complete online and provides a complete report on the stronger voices in your conversational repertoire, potential gaps and the strategy you use in your conversations, including what happens under pressure. We find it is a good starting point for a coaching programme. Our clients have used VoicePrint to support their promotion to a more senior role, to develop their resilience and to become more conscious in their interactions with others. A 360-profiling report and group report are also available.
Becoming an Accredited VoicePrint Practitioner
VoicePrint’s two-day accreditation training places an emphasis on experiential learning and working with practice clients to develop your confidence in using this unique approach. The training provides an understanding of different voices we can use, the intention behind them and the impact they have. You will learn how to facilitate your client’s awareness of their patterns of conversation and the potential impact they have.
By completing this programme you will:
- understand the VoicePrint model and how to use it within a 1:2:1 coaching programme to facilitate awareness in your clients.
- be able to explain to your clients the nine different voices, the intention behind each voice and the impact each one has.
- explore what happens to the voices under pressure.
- complete your own VoicePrint self-perception profile to explore your tendencies and conversational repertoire, and steps you can take to have greater impact.
- build your competence with using VoicePrint within coaching by facilitating feedback sessions with two practice clients and sharing your learning with your fellow participants.

Course dates
Cohort 3: 10 September 2020 and 22 October 2020
The course takes place in Central London, in a comfortable boutique-style venue.
The fee for this accredited course is £1,200 + VAT (this includes two practice VoicePrint profiles to use with your clients). Please familiarise yourself with the course terms and conditions, including payment and refund policies, before applying — and if you have any queries at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.